day in photos

what a week it has been.  channing is finally feeling better and so am i, actually.  it is amazing what a little extra sleep, exercise and healthy eating can do for a person!  i just completed my first week of eliminating some things from my diet in order to detox a bit.  including gluten, refined sugars, white rice, milk (yogurt and cheese are ok depending on type) and soy.  the hardest one of those for me (well the two hardest things) are gluten and milk.  i really do love my hot milk & chai lattes in the mornings and luc's home made pasta.  but, this isn't permanent so i just have to keep it up long enough to help my body work some things out.  there is an amazing bakery, right near out house, that specializes in gluten free items.  they have pizza crust, crackers, cakes, bread, and much much more.  i will give them a feature in my discover section soon but, if you want to check them out - they are called  outside the breadbox. anyway, back to our day... the early bird is still at it ... waking up at 5:30 am.  (i think i am actually getting used to it by now)  luc let me sleep in an extra bit this morning while he and the bird had a little coffee date so, i am feeling pretty good as of now!  it is a busy day for us here, as we are planning our first family vacation.  we are figuring out what to pack, and how to pack it, with a little one.  gone are the days of us only packing a carry on as we head out on our explorations.

happy friday everyone! that little buddha belly!